Monday, January 25, 2016

God's plan for me

Some days our minds have a difficult time understanding God’s plan. At least that’s true for me. I’m guessing it’s true for you too. We want so desperately to “get it all.” To see God’s plan for the future. To understand how it is all going to work out right here on this earth. In this decade. Or this year. Or this week. Or this second. Unfortunately, we can’t see the future. When I can’t understand God’s plan, there is a question I find myself asking: "Where is God in all this?" The more I’ve been reflecting on this question recently, the more I’ve realized that the problem is not where God is, because God is everywhere. The problem is that I’m asking the wrong question. You see, the question I should be asking is: "Why can’t I see God in this? "Because His fingerprints are all over His handiwork. Even when bad things happen to good people, He molds and reshapes until you can’t even recognize the bad anymore. It’s a plan called “redemption.” So I’ve stopped asking God where He is. I mean, it’s pretty obvious that He’s been here since before the beginning of time and He’s not going anywhere. I’ve started asking Him to reveal Himself to me. "Lord, help me see your work in this situation." I know God has a plan for me (whatever it may be), so you can be certain that God does indeed have a plan for you too. And the best way to discover that plan is to discover how He made you. This means taking an honest look at who you are – not seeing yourself too highly nor too lowly – and taking inventory of your strengths and weaknesses. Doesn’t it make sense that we would be created to accomplish what God wants? Yet, most Christians don’t even know what their strengths and weaknesses are, nor are they aware of their spiritual gifts. And as a result, they have no idea where they fit in the body of Christ and how to serve God and others. God will never leave or forsake you, even when you think that you’re alone he’s there. Jeremiah 1:5 says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." I may not know my full potential yet but I know it’s for great things and I know without a doubt God holds my blueprints in his hand and that he guides me every day. No matter what I won’t stop, backup, pause, or doubt the path he has me on because I know that with him I cannot fail.

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